73730 Esslingen am Neckar |
04.06.2024 |
100931 |
2300 mm |
400 mm |
120 mm |
ja |
3 Items |
ja |
ja |
INDEX-Werke GmbH & Co.KG Hahn & Tessky |
750 mm |
340 mm |
50 mm |
185 mm |
140 mm |
40 mm |
12 Items |
18000 rpm |
160 mm |
500 mm |
18000 rpm |
10.5 kW |
100 Nm |
5060 mm |
3025 mm |
3165 mm |
28 t |
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Turning lengths up to 2,300 mm, up to 3 tool carriers with Y-axis in the work area, optional integrated workpiece handling, handling unit with 2 CNC axes
Machine highlights INDEX G400 / INDEX G420
Your advantages
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Turning-milling centre INDEX G400 / INDEX G420 with iXcenter
INDEX G400 turning/milling centre with iXcenter - Machine presentation
Wide range of parts
The INDEX G420 turning/milling centre offers the best performance for customers in the mechanical engineering, automotive and aerospace industries with high availability and process reliability - the complete solution when it comes to high-performance machining of large workpieces.
Integrated automation solutions for efficient production
Integrated workpiece handling is available as an option. It can be used for loading and unloading as well as for the removal of remnants and is designed for parts weighing up to 25 kg and with a diameter of up to Ø 120 mm.
The handling unit is equipped with 2 CNC axes, which are operated via the machine control system. Other individual automation solutions, such as conveyor belts or robot handling with ancillary functions, can be integrated on a customised basis.
Complete machining from the modular system
The INDEX G420 modular system offers a wide range of options. Up to 3 tool carriers can be integrated into the work area - all equipped with a Y-axis. The work area offers ample space for machining all types of workpieces. The work area can accommodate parts up to a length of 1600 mm / 2300 mm. The powerful main and counter spindles are designed for bar diameters up to Ø 120 mm and for chucks up to Ø 400 mm.
Turret steady rests are available for machining long or shaft-shaped parts.
Of course, the INDEX G420 is also capable of simultaneous 5-axis machining.
Great importance was attached to the ergonomic set-up and operating concept in the new development. All relevant components are easily accessible for operating and maintenance personnel. As an option, an integrated 2-axis workpiece handling system tailored to the machining processes can be used to load and unload the machine.
The iXpanel operating concept opens the door to networked production.
With iXpanel, all relevant information for efficient production is available to the employee directly at the G420 turning/milling centre at all times. iXpanel is already included as standard and can be individually expanded. You can use iXpanel as you wish for your company organisation - Industry 4.0 made to measure.