Mettinger Straße 11, 73728 Esslingen am Neckar |
17.12.2024 |
101244 |
160 mm |
380 mm |
65 mm |
740 mm |
2 Piece |
24 items |
24 items |
Citizen Machinery Europe GmbH |
6000 rpm |
4.0 kW |
25 Nm |
169 mm |
2860 mm |
2190 mm |
2070 mm |
8,13 t |
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Bar capacity up to 65 mm, double Y-axis, counter spindle X-axis X3 240 mm, axes Z1 / X1 / Y1 programmable for turret, travel range Y-axis 100 mm
The models in the new BNE series: Improved machining of composite materials.
The two new MYY models in the BNE series have evolved from the predecessor models BNE51 and BNE65 and have inherited their power and stability in combination with maximum precision - features for which the BNE series has always been widely praised. The new MYY models are each equipped with a Y-axis on the upper and lower turret.
The machine enclosure has been completely redesigned and now offers a large window for excellent visibility into the machining area. The machines have also been given a new ergonomic user interface. The touch panel makes operation easier and improves productivity when used in conjunction with the new NC controls.
Advantages of the Miyano BNE-65MYY
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